Aviate Health APIs
The Aviate Health feature provides several endpoints that allow you to view the health of your KillBill system and fix problems if any. This section documents the APIs exposed by the Aviate Health feature.
It has the following fields:
Name | Type | Generated by | Description |
nodeName | string | system | Node name |
eventGroup | string | system | Event Group |
eventCategory | string | system | Event Category |
sampleKind | string | system | Sample Kind |
sampleSerializationFormat | string | system | Sample Serialization Format |
samples | string | system | Samples |
Represents HealthData. It has the following fields:
Name | Type | Generated by | Description |
nodeInfos | List of NodeInfo | system | Details on all nodes in the Kill Bill cluster. |
parkedAccounts | List of ParkedAccount | system | Parked accounts (limit 50), if any. |
lateBusEvents | List of BusEvent | system | Bus events that need processing (limit 100), if any. |
lateNotifications | List of Notification | system | Notifications that need processing (limit 100), if any. |
recentBusEvents | List of BusEvent | system | Recent bus events that were processed (limit 100). |
recentNotifications | List of Notification | system | Recent notifications that were processed (limit 100). |
recentAccessLogs | List of AccessLog | system | Recent HTTP requests from all nodes (at most 2 days). |
Represents an Access Log. Captures information about the recent requests made to KB. It has the following fields:
Name | Type | Generated by | Description |
nodeName | string | system | Node name |
hostName | string | system | Host name |
timeStamp | string | system | Datetime at which the request was made |
method | string | system | HTTP method used |
uri | string | system | Requested URI |
statusCode | string | system | Status code returned |
bytesSent | string | system | Number of bytes sent |
Represents a notification from the KB notifications
table. It has the following fields:
Name | Type | Generated by | Description |
recordId | string | system | Record id |
className | string | system | Class name |
eventJson | string | system | Event JSON |
userToken | string | system | User token |
createdDate | string | system | DateTime the notification was created |
creatingOwner | string | system | Creating Owner |
processingOwner | string | system | Processing Owner |
processingAvailableDate | string | system | DateTime the notification becomes available for processing |
processingState | string | system | Processing State (One of AVAILABLE , IN_PROCESSING , PROCESSED , REMOVED , FAILED , REAPED ) |
errorCount | string | system | Error Count |
searchKey1 | string | system | Search Key 1 |
searchKey2 | string | system | Search Key 2 |
queueName | string | system | Queue Name |
effectiveDate | string | system | Effective Date |
futureUserToken | string | system | Future User Token |
Represents a Bus event from the KB bus_events
table. It has the following fields:
Name | Type | Generated by | Description |
recordId | string | system | Record id |
className | string | system | Class name |
eventJson | string | system | Event JSON |
userToken | string | system | User token |
createdDate | string | system | DateTime the bus event was created |
creatingOwner | string | system | Creating Owner |
processingOwner | string | system | Processing Owner |
processingAvailableDate | string | system | DateTime the bus event becomes available for processing |
processingState | string | system | Processing State (One of AVAILABLE , IN_PROCESSING , PROCESSED , REMOVED , FAILED , REAPED ) |
errorCount | string | system | Error Count |
searchKey1 | string | system | Search Key 1 |
searchKey2 | string | system | Search Key 2 |
Represents information about a KB node. It has the following fields:
Name | Type | Generated by | Description |
time | int | system | Time |
kbClock | string | system | TODO |
nodeName | string | system | Node Name |
bootTime | string | system | Boot Time |
lastUpdatedDate | string | system | Last Updated Date |
killbillVersion | string | system | KB version |
apiVersion | string | system | killbill-api version |
platformVersion | string | system | killbill-platform version |
commonVersion | string | system | killbill-commons version |
pluginApiVersion | string | system | killbill-plugin-api version |
pluginInfos | List of PluginInfo | system | Information about plugins on a node |
Represents information about a plugin. It has the following fields:
Name | Type | Generated by | Description |
pluginKey | string | system | Plugin Key |
bundleSymbolicName | string | system | Bundle Symbolic Name |
pluginName | string | system | Plugin Name |
version | string | system | Plugin Version |
pluginState | string | system | Plugin State |
isSelectedForStart | boolean | system | Flag that indicates if plugin is started |
services | List of PluginServiceInfo | Information about services within a plugin |
Represents information about services offered by a plugin. It has the following fields:
Name | Type | Generated by | Description |
serviceTypeName | string | system | Service Type |
registrationName | string | system | Bundle Registration Name |
Retrieve Health Data
Return the current HealthData report. It is meant to show the current health of the cluster, show debugging information, and draw attention to potential problems.
//TODO - mention about com.killbill.billing.plugin.aviate.lockSleepMilliSeconds??
HTTP Request
GET /plugins/aviate-plugin/v1/health/data
Example Request:
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ${ID_TOKEN}' \
-H 'X-killbill-apiKey: bob' \
-H 'X-killbill-apisecret: lazar' \
Example Response:
"nodeInfos": [
"time": 1732797874123,
"kbClock": "2024-11-28T12:44:34.076252400",
"nodeName": "DESKTOP-NCUS49R",
"bootTime": "2024-11-28T12:37:23.000Z",
"lastUpdatedDate": "2024-11-28T12:37:23.000Z",
"killbillVersion": "0.24.12-SNAPSHOT",
"apiVersion": "0.54.0",
"platformVersion": "0.41.11",
"commonVersion": "0.26.4",
"pluginApiVersion": "0.27.3",
"pluginInfos": [
"pluginKey": "aviate",
"bundleSymbolicName": "com.kill-bill.billing.plugin.java.aviate-plugin",
"pluginName": "aviate-plugin",
"version": "1.0.13-SNAPSHOT",
"pluginState": "RUNNING",
"isSelectedForStart": true,
"services": [
"serviceTypeName": "org.killbill.billing.osgi.api.Healthcheck",
"registrationName": "aviate-plugin"
"serviceTypeName": "javax.servlet.Servlet",
"registrationName": "aviate-plugin"
"pluginKey": "",
"bundleSymbolicName": "org.kill-bill.billing.killbill-platform-osgi-bundles-kpm",
"pluginName": "org.kill-bill.billing.killbill-platform-osgi-bundles-kpm",
"version": "",
"pluginState": "RUNNING",
"isSelectedForStart": true,
"services": []
"pluginKey": "",
"bundleSymbolicName": "org.kill-bill.billing.killbill-platform-osgi-bundles-logger",
"pluginName": "org.kill-bill.billing.killbill-platform-osgi-bundles-logger",
"version": "",
"pluginState": "RUNNING",
"isSelectedForStart": true,
"services": []
"pluginKey": "",
"bundleSymbolicName": "org.kill-bill.billing.killbill-platform-osgi-bundles-metrics",
"pluginName": "org.kill-bill.billing.killbill-platform-osgi-bundles-metrics",
"version": "",
"pluginState": "RUNNING",
"isSelectedForStart": true,
"services": []
"pluginKey": "",
"bundleSymbolicName": "org.kill-bill.billing.plugin.java.stripe-plugin",
"pluginName": "stripe-plugin",
"version": "8.0.1",
"pluginState": "RUNNING",
"isSelectedForStart": true,
"services": [
"serviceTypeName": "org.killbill.billing.payment.plugin.api.PaymentPluginApi",
"registrationName": "killbill-stripe"
"serviceTypeName": "org.killbill.billing.osgi.api.Healthcheck",
"registrationName": "killbill-stripe"
"serviceTypeName": "javax.servlet.Servlet",
"registrationName": "killbill-stripe"
"parkedAccounts": [],
"lateBusEvents": [
"recordId": 1,
"className": "org.killbill.billing.tenant.api.user.DefaultTenantConfigChangeInternalEvent",
"eventJson": "{\"id\":\"85edc9d5-8683-434f-bfd5-ef2ebd7ab9b3\",\"key\":\"CATALOG\",\"searchKey1\":null,\"searchKey2\":1,\"userToken\":\"c4fe88f8-36c3-461d-8ace-0f0a7efc1a42\"}",
"userToken": "c4fe88f8-36c3-461d-8ace-0f0a7efc1a42",
"createdDate": "2024-01-30T06:38:25.000Z",
"creatingOwner": "DESKTOP-NCUS49R",
"processingOwner": "",
"processingAvailableDate": "2024-01-30T06:38:25.000Z",
"processingState": "PROCESSED",
"errorCount": 0,
"searchKey1": 0,
"searchKey2": 1
"lateNotifications": [],
"recentBusEvents": [
"recordId": 184174,
"className": "org.killbill.billing.util.broadcast.DefaultBroadcastInternalEvent",
"eventJson": "{\"serviceName\":\"broadcast-service\",\"type\":\"START_PLUGIN\",\"jsonEvent\":\"{\\\"pluginKey\\\":\\\"aviate\\\",\\\"pluginName\\\":null,\\\"pluginVersion\\\":\\\"1.0.13-d197203\\\",\\\"properties\\\":[{\\\"key\\\":\\\"kbVersion\\\",\\\"value\\\":\\\"0.24.12-SNAPSHOT\\\"}]}\",\"searchKey1\":null,\"searchKey2\":0,\"userToken\":null}",
"userToken": "",
"createdDate": "2024-11-28T04:21:37.000Z",
"creatingOwner": "DESKTOP-NCUS49R",
"processingOwner": "",
"processingAvailableDate": "2024-11-28T04:21:37.000Z",
"processingState": "PROCESSED",
"errorCount": 0,
"searchKey1": 0,
"searchKey2": 0
"recordId": 184173,
"className": "org.killbill.billing.util.broadcast.DefaultBroadcastInternalEvent",
"eventJson": "{\"serviceName\":\"broadcast-service\",\"type\":\"INSTALL_PLUGIN\",\"jsonEvent\":\"{\\\"pluginKey\\\":\\\"aviate\\\",\\\"pluginName\\\":null,\\\"pluginVersion\\\":\\\"1.0.13-d197203\\\",\\\"properties\\\":[{\\\"key\\\":\\\"pluginUri\\\",\\\"value\\\":\\\"https://dl.cloudsmith.io/Y9NsUe0Lb5JBOnwf/killbill/aviate/maven/com/kill-bill/billing/plugin/java/aviate-plugin/1.0.13-d197203/aviate-plugin-1.0.13-d197203.jar\\\"},{\\\"key\\\":\\\"pluginType\\\",\\\"value\\\":\\\"java\\\"},{\\\"key\\\":\\\"kbVersion\\\",\\\"value\\\":\\\"0.24.12-SNAPSHOT\\\"}]}\",\"searchKey1\":null,\"searchKey2\":0,\"userToken\":null}",
"userToken": "",
"createdDate": "2024-11-28T04:21:32.000Z",
"creatingOwner": "DESKTOP-NCUS49R",
"processingOwner": "",
"processingAvailableDate": "2024-11-28T04:21:32.000Z",
"processingState": "PROCESSED",
"errorCount": 0,
"searchKey1": 0,
"searchKey2": 0
"recentAccessLogs": [
"nodeName": "DESKTOP-NCUS49R",
"hostName": "",
"timestamp": "27/Nov/2024:10:58:21 +0530",
"method": "GET",
"uri": "/1.0/kb/security/subject",
"statusCode": "401",
"bytesSent": "-"
"nodeName": "DESKTOP-NCUS49R",
"hostName": "",
"timestamp": "27/Nov/2024:10:58:34 +0530",
"method": "GET",
"uri": "/1.0/kb/security/permissions",
"statusCode": "200",
"bytesSent": "7"
Request Body
Query Parameters
If successful, returns a HealthData
Retrieve Host Samples
Returns metrics data for dashboards.
//TODO add more information here
HTTP Request
GET /plugins/aviate-plugin/v1/health/host_samples
Example Request:
curl -X GET \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ${ID_TOKEN}' \
-H 'X-killbill-apiKey: bob' \
-H 'X-killbill-apisecret: lazar' \
Example Response:
Request Body
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
startTimeParameter | string | false | none | Start time for the samples |
endTimeParameter | string | false | Current time | End time for the samples |
hostNames | List of String | false | None | List of host names. Multiple host names can be specified by specifying a separate hostNames parameter corresponding to each host |
group | string | false | None | Event group for the requested sample kinds |
category_and_sample_kind | List of String | false | None | List of samples kinds (format: category,sample_kind). Multiple category and sample kinds can be specified by specifying a separate category_and_sample_kind parameter corresponding to each value |
granularity | SampleGranularity | false | None | Granularity (One of SECOND , MINUTE , HOUR , DAY ) |
If successful, returns a status code of 200 and the requested host data.
// ### Fix Parked Accounts - This method is not implemented in the code, so not documenting it
Fix Stuck Bus Entries
Fixes stuck bus entries. Basically sets the creating_owner
, processing_owner
, processing_avialable_date
, processing_state
, error_count
fields to null
in the bus_events
table for the specified recordIds.
HTTP Request
PUT /plugins/aviate-plugin/v1/health/bus/fixup
Example Request:
curl -X PUT \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ${ID_TOKEN}' \
-H 'X-killbill-apiKey: bob' \
-H 'X-killbill-apisecret: lazar' \
-d '[1,2]' \
Request Body
A List of recordId
values from the bus_events
table that need to be fixed.
Query Parameters
If successful, returns a status code of 200 and an empty body.
Fix Stuck Notification Entries
Fixes stuck notification entries. Basically sets the creating_owner
, processing_owner
, processing_avialable_date
, processing_state
, error_count
, effective_date
fields to null
in the notifications
table for the specified recordIds.
HTTP Request
PUT /plugins/aviate-plugin/v1/health/notifications/fixup
Example Request:
curl -X PUT \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ${ID_TOKEN}' \
-H 'X-killbill-apiKey: bob' \
-H 'X-killbill-apisecret: lazar' \
-d '[1,2]' \
Request Body
A List of recordId
values from the notifications
table that need to be fixed.
Query Parameters
If successful, returns a status code of 200 and an empty body.
Retrieve Diagnostic Report
This endpoint generates a diagnostic report. The report includes logs, tenant config, Kill Bill & system config, and account data, similar to the kpm diagnostic tool, either as JSON or as a ZIP file.
A few pointers:
- if the
-H "Accept: application/zip" header is specified
, creates a zip file - At least one query parameter needs to be specified, otherwise an empty response is returned.
- HealthData and logs are returned only when the
-H "Accept: application/zip"
header is specified - Logs from only a single node will be included
HTTP Request
GET /plugins/aviate-plugin/v1/health/diagnostic
Example Request:
## Example 1 - Returns data for the specified account in JSON format
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ${ID_TOKEN}' \
-H 'X-killbill-apiKey: bob' \
-H 'X-killbill-apisecret: lazar' \
## Example 2 - Creates a zip file. Includes account information, Kill Bill configuration data and tenant configuration data
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ${ID_TOKEN}' \
-H 'X-killbill-apiKey: bob' \
-H 'X-killbill-apisecret: lazar' \
-H "Accept: application/zip" \
"" -JO
## Example 3 - Creates a zip file. Includes account information and the catalina.2024-11-27.log and localhost_access_log.2024-11-27.txt logs from the Tomcat directory.
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ${ID_TOKEN}' \
-H 'X-killbill-apiKey: bob' \
-H 'X-killbill-apisecret: lazar' \
-H "Accept: application/zip" \
"" -JO
## Example 4- Creates a zip file. Includes account information and the killbill.out/kaui.out log files from the /var/lib/killbill/logs directory.
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ${ID_TOKEN}' \
-H 'X-killbill-apiKey: bob' \
-H 'X-killbill-apisecret: lazar' \
-H "Accept: application/zip" \
"" -JO
Example Response:
"account.data": "-- account_history record_id|id|target_record_id|external_key|email|name|first_name_length|currency|billing_cycle_day_local|parent_account_id|is_payment_delegated_to_parent|payment_method_id|reference_time|time_zone|locale|address1|address2|company_name|city|state_or_province|country|postal_code|phone|notes|migrated|change_type|created_by|created_date|updated_by|updated_date|tenant_record_id\n12999|402d7c14-0318-4706-b110-eff813d59ce2|7077|user29Nov1||||USD|0||||2024-11-29T04:11:51.000+00:00|Etc/UTC|en_US||||||US||||false|INSERT|admin|2024-11-29T04:11:51.000+00:00|admin|2024-11-29T04:11:51.000+00:00|4621\n-- accounts record_id|id|external_key|email|name|first_name_length|currency|billing_cycle_day_local|parent_account_id|is_payment_delegated_to_parent|payment_method_id|reference_time|time_zone|locale|address1|address2|company_name|city|state_or_province|country|postal_code|phone|notes|migrated|created_date|created_by|updated_date|updated_by|tenant_record_id\n7077|68704a87-23d8-46db-a1ba-310daa8e1f4f|user29Nov1||||USD|0||||2024-11-29T04:11:51.000+00:00|Etc/UTC|en_US||||||US||||false|2024-11-29T04:11:51.000+00:00|admin|2024-11-29T04:11:51.000+00:00|admin|4621\n-- audit_log record_id|id|target_record_id|table_name|change_type|created_date|created_by|reason_code|comments|user_token|account_record_id|tenant_record_id\n525321|0d34f135-5a72-4acc-90d9-7e8615717cf0|12999|ACCOUNT_HISTORY|INSERT|2024-11-29T04:11:51.000+00:00|admin|||1b557c51-4a01-45d0-977b-49cd27810153|7077|4621\n-- bus_events_history record_id|class_name|event_json|user_token|created_date|creating_owner|processing_owner|processing_available_date|processing_state|error_count|search_key1|search_key2\n184177|org.killbill.billing.account.api.user.DefaultAccountCreationEvent|{\"data\":{\"externalKey\":\"user29Nov1\",\"name\":\"user29Nov1\",\"firstNameLength\":null,\"email\":null,\"billCycleDayLocal\":0,\"currency\":\"USD\",\"parentAccountId\":null,\"isPaymentDelegatedToParent\":null,\"paymentMethodId\":null,\"referenceTime\":\"2024-11-29T04:11:51.000Z\",\"timeZone\":\"Etc/UTC\",\"locale\":\"en_US\",\"address1\":null,\"address2\":null,\"companyName\":null,\"city\":null,\"stateOrProvince\":null,\"postalCode\":null,\"country\":\"US\",\"phone\":null,\"notes\":null,\"isMigrated\":false},\"id\":\"68704a87-23d8-46db-a1ba-310daa8e1f4f\",\"searchKey1\":7077,\"searchKey2\":4621,\"userToken\":\"1b557c51-4a01-45d0-977b-49cd27810153\"}|1b557c51-4a01-45d0-977b-49cd27810153|2024-11-29T04:11:51.000+00:00|DESKTOP-NCUS49R|DESKTOP-NCUS49R|2024-11-29T04:11:51.000+00:00|PROCESSED|0|7077|4621\n-- bus_ext_events_history record_id|class_name|event_json|user_token|created_date|creating_owner|processing_owner|processing_available_date|processing_state|error_count|search_key1|search_key2\n182535|org.killbill.billing.beatrix.extbus.DefaultBusExternalEvent|{\"objectId\":\"68704a87-23d8-46db-a1ba-310daa8e1f4f\",\"objectType\":\"ACCOUNT\",\"eventType\":\"ACCOUNT_CREATION\",\"accountId\":\"68704a87-23d8-46db-a1ba-310daa8e1f4f\",\"tenantId\":\"a7ac9384-f2aa-42cb-8367-9f298d228fae\",\"metaData\":null}|1b557c51-4a01-45d0-977b-49cd27810153|2024-11-29T04:11:51.000+00:00|DESKTOP-NCUS49R|DESKTOP-NCUS49R|2024-11-29T04:11:51.000+00:00|PROCESSED|0|7077|4621\n",
"tenant_config.data": [
"key": "CATALOG",
"values": [
"values": [
"invoiceTitle=FACTURE\ninvoiceDate=Date:\ninvoiceNumber=Facture #"
"killbill_configuration.data": {
"awt.toolkit": "sun.awt.windows.WToolkit",
"java.specification.version": "11",
"org.killbill.server.updateCheck.url": "https://raw.github.com/killbill/killbill/master/profiles/killbill/src/main/resources/update-checker/killbill-server-update-list.properties",
"sun.cpu.isalist": "amd64",
"sun.jnu.encoding": "Cp1252",
"org.killbill.billing.plugin.kpm.bundlesPath": "D:/var/tmp/bundles",
"java.naming.provider.url": "rmi://",
"sun.arch.data.model": "64",
"org.killbill.billing.plugin.auth.adminUsername": "admin",
"org.killbill.billing.plugin.kpm.kpmPath": "D:/Software/Ruby27-x64/bin/kpm.bat",
"org.killbill.billing.plugin.auth.adminPassword": "*****",
"com.killbill.billing.plugin.aviate.enableUsageApis": "false",
"kaui.db.password": "*****",
"org.killbill.server.lookupEnvironmentVariables": "true",
"shared.loader": "",
"java.util.logging.manager": "org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager",
"org.killbill.persistent.bus.external.tableName": "bus_ext_events",
"java.vm.info": "mixed mode",
"java.vm.version": "11.0.6+8-LTS",
"java.class.version": "55.0"
Request Body
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
accountId | UUID | false | none | Account Id for which to create the diagnostic report |
withTenantConfig | boolean | false | false | If specified, includes per-tenant configuration properties (like catalog, overdue, etc.) |
withSystemConfig | boolean | false | false | If specified, includes system information (KB/Kaui version, environment variables, OS information, CPU information, memory information, disk information, etc). |
withKillbillConfig | boolean | false | false | If specified, includes the global Kill Bill configuration properties |
withHealthData | boolean | false | false | If specified, includes health data. |
withLogs | boolean | false | false | If specified, includes the logs specified via the logsDir parameter. If logsDir is not specified, includes the Tomcat logs. In either case, only the log files specified via logFileNames are included. |
logsSize | int | false | 5242880 | Desired log size. Applicable only if withLogs=true is specifed. |
logsDir | string | false | The value of com.killbill.billing.plugin.aviate.logsPath if specified or TOMCAT_HOME/logs (TOMCAT_HOME is determined using the catalina.base system property |
The directory from which to include the logs. Works only if withLogs=true is specifed. |
logsFilenames | List of String | false | catalina.out | Desired log file names. Works only if withLogs=true is specifed. Multiple log file names can be specified by specifying a separate logsFilenames parameter corresponding to each value |
If successful, returns a status code of 200 and the requested diagnostic data.