Tag Definition

These APIs manage a tag definition resource object, which provides the definition for a user-defined tag.

Tag Definition Resource

Each tag is associated with a specific tag definition. A tag definition is a schema or template, and a tag is an instance of it. Please refer to the Tags section for an overview of tags. Kill Bill provides a small set of predefined System Tags. Users may define their own tags; however, when using User Tags, one must first create the associated tag definition.

The tag definition resource includes the following attributes:

Name Type Generated by Description
id string system UUID for the tag definition
isControlTag boolean system True if this is a control tag
name string user Name of the tag definition
description string user Description of the tag definition
applicableObjectTypes list user see below
auditLogs array system array of audit log records for this tag definition

Tag Definition

The APIs in this group provide the ability to create, retrieve, and delete tag definitions.

Create a tag definition

Creates a new tag definition.

HTTP Request


Example Request:

curl -v \
    -X POST \
    -u admin:password \
    -H "X-Killbill-ApiKey: bob" \
    -H "X-Killbill-ApiSecret: lazar" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "X-Killbill-CreatedBy: demo" \
    -H "X-Killbill-Reason: demo" \
    -H "X-Killbill-Comment: demo" \
    -d '{ "name": "good_customer", "description": "a good customer", "applicableObjectTypes": ["ACCOUNT"]}' \
import org.killbill.billing.client.api.gen.TagDefinitionApi;
protected TagDefinitionApi tagDefinitionApi;

final boolean isControlTag = false;
final String tagName = "tag_name";
final String tagDescription = "tag description";
List<ObjectType> applicableObjectTypes = List.of(ObjectType.BUNDLE, ObjectType.SUBSCRIPTION);
final List<AuditLog> EMPTY_AUDIT_LOGS = Collections.emptyList();

TagDefinition tagDefinition = new TagDefinition(null, isControlTag, tagName, tagDescription, applicableObjectTypes, EMPTY_AUDIT_LOGS);
TagDefinition createdTagDefinition = tagDefinitionApi.createTagDefinition(tagDefinition, requestOptions);
user = "demo"
reason = nil
comment = nil

tagDefinition = KillBillClient::Model::TagDefinition.new
tagDefinition.name = "tag_name"
tagDefinition.description = "tag description"
tagDefinition.applicable_object_types = ['BUNDLE', 'SUBSCRIPTION']
tagDefinition.is_control_tag = false

tagDefinitionApi = killbill.api.TagDefinitionApi()

tagDefinition = TagDefinition(name='tag_name', description='tag description', applicable_object_types=['BUNDLE', 'SUBSCRIPTION','ACCOUNT'], is_control_tag=False)

const api: killbill.TagDefinitionApi = new killbill.TagDefinitionApi(config);

const applicableObjectTypes = ['INVOICE', 'TENANT'];
const tagDefinition: TagDefinition = {name: "tag_name", description: "tag description", "isControlTag": false, "applicableObjectTypes":applicableObjectTypes};

api.createTagDefinition(tagDefinition, 'created_by');
$apiInstance = $client->getTagDefinitionApi();

$xKillbillCreatedBy = "user";
$xKillbillReason = "reason";
$xKillbillComment = "comment";

$tagDefinition = new TagDefinition();
$tagDefinition -> setName("tag_name");
$tagDefinition -> setDescription("tag description");
$tagDefinition -> setIsControlTag(false);
$applicableObjectTypes = array("ACCOUNT","INVOICE");
$tagDefinition -> setApplicableObjectTypes($applicableObjectTypes);

$result = $apiInstance->createTagDefinition($tagDefinition, $xKillbillCreatedBy, $xKillbillReason, $xKillbillComment);

Request Body

A TagDefinition resource object with at least the following attributes: name, description, and applicableObjectTypes. The list of applicableObjectTypes may not be empty.

Query Parameters



If successful, returns a status code of 201 and an empty body. In addition, a Location header is returned which contains the new tag definition id.

List tag definitions

Lists all tag definitions (corresponding to both system and user tags) for this tenant.

HTTP Request


Example Request:

curl -v \
    -u admin:password \
    -H "X-Killbill-ApiKey: bob" \
    -H "X-Killbill-ApiSecret: lazar" \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
import org.killbill.billing.client.api.gen.TagDefinitionApi;
protected TagDefinitionApi tagDefinitionApi;

List<TagDefinition> tagDefinitions = tagDefinitionApi.getTagDefinitions(AuditLevel.NONE, requestOptions);
audit = 'NONE'

tag_definitions = KillBillClient::Model::TagDefinition.all(audit, options)
tagDefinitionApi = killbill.api.TagDefinitionApi()

tag_definitions = tagDefinitionApi.get_tag_definitions()
const api: killbill.TagDefinitionApi = new killbill.TagDefinitionApi(config);

const response: AxiosResponse<killbill.TagDefinition[], any> = await api.getTagDefinitions();
$apiInstance = $client->getTagDefinitionApi();

$audit = "NONE";

$result = $apiInstance->getTagDefinitions($audit);

Example Response:

    "id": "93f2bc59-e18d-4a5e-a645-9386c76fc03f",
    "isControlTag": false,
    "name": "good_customer",
    "description": "a good customer",
    "applicableObjectTypes": [
    "auditLogs": []
    "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001",
    "isControlTag": true,
    "name": "AUTO_PAY_OFF",
    "description": "Suspends payments until removed.",
    "applicableObjectTypes": [
    "auditLogs": []

Query Parameters

Name Type Required Default Description
audit string no "NONE" Level of audit information to return:"NONE", "MINIMAL" (only inserts), or "FULL"


If successful, returns a status code of 200 and a list of tag definition resource objects.

Retrieve a tag definition by its ID

This API retrieves a tag definitions resource object based on its tag definition ID.

HTTP Request


Example Request:

curl -v \
    -u admin:password \
    -H "X-Killbill-ApiKey: bob" \
    -H "X-Killbill-ApiSecret: lazar" \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
import org.killbill.billing.client.api.gen.TagDefinitionApi;
protected TagDefinitionApi tagDefinitionApi;

UUID tagDefinitionId = UUID.fromString("ed9e5163-4674-4e24-9545-db7aa581f93c");
TagDefinition tagDefinition = tagDefinitionApi.getTagDefinition(tagDefinitionId, AuditLevel.NONE, requestOptions);
tag_definition_id = "30363fe5-310d-4446-b000-d7bb6e6662e2"
audit = 'NONE'

tag_definition = KillBillClient::Model::TagDefinition.find_by_id(tag_definition_id, audit, options)
tagDefinitionApi = killbill.api.TagDefinitionApi()

tag_definition_id = '3ba41ebd-71f0-4a27-981b-86c6054f58dd'

tag_definition = tagDefinitionApi.get_tag_definition(tag_definition_id)
const api: killbill.TagDefinitionApi = new killbill.TagDefinitionApi(config);

const tagDefinitionId = 'f27312df-4e8f-43c8-97aa-47c2b65c4152';

const response: AxiosResponse<killbill.TagDefinition, any> = await api.getTagDefinition(tagDefinitionId);
$apiInstance = $client->getTagDefinitionApi();

$tagDefinitionId = "96f4933f-96b2-4268-a8ee-2d40734b6115";
$audit = "NONE";

$result = $apiInstance->getTagDefinition($tagDefinitionId, $audit);

Example Response:

    "id": "93f2bc59-e18d-4a5e-a645-9386c76fc03f",
    "isControlTag": false,
    "name": "good_customer",
    "description": "a good customer",
    "applicableObjectTypes": [
    "auditLogs": []

Query Parameters

Name Type Required Default Description
audit string no "NONE" Level of audit information to return:"NONE", "MINIMAL" (only inserts), or "FULL"


If successful, returns a status code of 200 and a tag definition resource object.

Delete a tag definition

Deletes a tag definition.

HTTP Request


Example Request:

curl -v \
    -X DELETE \
    -u admin:password \
    -H "X-Killbill-ApiKey: bob" \
    -H "X-Killbill-ApiSecret: lazar" \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "X-Killbill-CreatedBy: demo" \
    -H "X-Killbill-Reason: demo" \
    -H "X-Killbill-Comment: demo" \
import org.killbill.billing.client.api.gen.TagDefinitionApi;
protected TagDefinitionApi tagDefinitionApi;

UUID tagDefinitionId = UUID.fromString("ed9e5163-4674-4e24-9545-db7aa581f93c");
tagDefinitionApi.deleteTagDefinition(tagDefinitionId, requestOptions);
user = "demo"
reason = nil
comment = nil

tagDefinition = KillBillClient::Model::TagDefinition.new
tagDefinition.id = "2b9d7197-f6a0-4d5f-a0ad-1e3c3e22a0ce"

tagDefinition.delete(user, reason, comment, options);
tagDefinitionApi = killbill.api.TagDefinitionApi()

tag_definition_id = '2a4b9f36-6a53-4553-a2ef-d0bddf8e831a'

const api: killbill.TagDefinitionApi = new killbill.TagDefinitionApi(config);

const tagDefinitionId = '96f4933f-96b2-4268-a8ee-2d40734b6115';

api.deleteTagDefinition(tagDefinitionId, 'created_by');
$apiInstance = $client->getTagDefinitionApi();

$xKillbillCreatedBy = "user";
$xKillbillReason = "reason";
$xKillbillComment = "comment";

$tagDefinitionId = "3ba41ebd-71f0-4a27-981b-86c6054f58dd";

$apiInstance->deleteTagDefinition($tagDefinitionId, $xKillbillCreatedBy, $xKillbillReason, $xKillbillComment);

Query Parameters



If successful, returns a status code of 204 and an empty body.

Audit Logs

Audit logs provide a record of events that occur involving various specific resources. For details on audit logs see Audit and History.

Retrieve tag definition audit logs with history by id

Retrieves a list of audit log records showing events that occurred involving changes to a specified tag definition. History information is included with each record.

HTTP Request


Example Request:

curl \
    -u admin:password \
    -H "X-Killbill-ApiKey: bob" \
    -H "X-Killbill-ApiSecret: lazar" \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
import org.killbill.billing.client.api.gen.TagDefinitionApi;
protected TagDefinitionApi tagDefinitionApi;

UUID tagDefinitionId = UUID.fromString("06d991f7-f06a-4e45-80d2-c3b44a97f8bc");
AuditLogs logs = tagDefinitionApi.getTagDefinitionAuditLogsWithHistory(tagDefinitionId, requestOptions);
tag_definition = KillBillClient::Model::TagDefinition.new
tag_definition.id = "2a4b9f36-6a53-4553-a2ef-d0bddf8e831a"

audit_logs = tag_definition.audit_logs_with_history(options)
tagDefinitionApi = killbill.api.TagDefinitionApi()

tag_definition_id = '3ba41ebd-71f0-4a27-981b-86c6054f58dd'

audit_logs = tagDefinitionApi.get_tag_definition_audit_logs_with_history(tag_definition_id)
const api: killbill.TagDefinitionApi = new killbill.TagDefinitionApi(config);

const tagDefinitionId = 'f27312df-4e8f-43c8-97aa-47c2b65c4152';

const response: AxiosResponse<killbill.AuditLog[], any> = await api.getTagDefinitionAuditLogsWithHistory(tagDefinitionId);
$apiInstance = $client->getTagDefinitionApi();

$tagDefinitionId = "96f4933f-96b2-4268-a8ee-2d40734b6115";

$result = $apiInstance->getTagDefinitionAuditLogsWithHistory($tagDefinitionId);

Example Response:

    "changeType": "INSERT",
    "changeDate": "2019-02-26T01:56:48.000Z",
    "objectType": "TAG_DEFINITION",
    "objectId": "92991586-df8a-4d8d-9d55-61172c52fa45",
    "changedBy": "demo",
    "reasonCode": "demo",
    "comments": "demo",
    "userToken": "039f01ea-460a-4edd-bfbc-39a68149cad2",
    "history": {
      "id": null,
      "createdDate": "2019-02-26T01:56:48.000Z",
      "updatedDate": "2019-02-26T01:56:48.000Z",
      "recordId": 1,
      "accountRecordId": 1,
      "tenantRecordId": 1,
      "name": "good_customer",
      "applicableObjectTypes": "ACCOUNT",
      "description": "a good customer",
      "isActive": true,
      "tableName": "TAG_DEFINITIONS",
      "historyTableName": "TAG_DEFINITION_HISTORY"

Query Parameters



If successful, returns a status code of 200 and a list of tag definition audit logs with history.